“Scottish Rugby’s Apology: A Turning Point or Too Late for Siobhan Cattigan’s Family?”


Scottish Rugby apologizes to Siobhan Cattigan’s family for ‘all the pain we have caused’ Scottish Rugby has apologized to the family of Scotland international


Siobhan Cattigan, who died aged 26 in November 2021. Graham Bean Published


on 18 November 2023, 13:12 GMT Scotland international Siobhan Cattigan is honored by the Murrayfield crowd


ahead of Scotland #039’s Six Nations match against Ireland this March.


Cattigan died in November 2021. (Photo: Craig Williamson / SNS Group) Murrayfield crowd pay tribute to


Scotland international Siobhan Cattigan before Scotland and #039. the Six Nations against Ireland in March this year.


Cattigan died in November 2021. (Photo: Craig Williamson/SNS Group) Scotland international Siobhan Cattigan is


honored by the Murrayfield crowd ahead of Scotland #039’s Six Nations match against Ireland this March. Cattigan died


in November 2021. (Photo: Craig Williamson/SNS Group) Her parents believe their daughter’s death was


caused by an undetected brain injury that caused her to succumb to irrational thinking and impulsive behavior. In an


interview with the Sunday Times last year, Neil and Morven Cattigan said “something catastrophic happened to


Siobhan’s brain” and believed their daughter’s death was directly related to two serious concussions she suffered on


the rugby field. over the past 18 months, which they say has had a profound effect on his personality. At Scottish Rugby’s


AGM last year, chief executive Mark Dodson rejected calls for an external review into the death, although an


internal investigation was later carried out. However, at this year’s AGM at Murrayfield, new Scottish Rugby Limited


chairman John McGuigan said he had met Neil and Morven Cattigan and his partner Ann Taylor through a third


party. He admitted that Scottish Rugby had made mistakes and apologized on the floor at the end of the conference.


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McGuigan said: “I would like to apologize from the bottom of my heart for the pain we caused Siobhan during our time with


Scottish Rugby and her family and loved ones following her death.” The full text of


the apology is as follows: “Siobhan was a very talented rugby player who played for Scotland and won 19 caps. She was


passionate about rugby as a dedicated ambassador for the sport alongside her remarkable academic achievements and


philanthropy. Siobhan’s kind, empathetic nature and loyal, supportive demeanor meant she was a much-loved player, role


model, colleague and friend. So it was incredibly sad that such a positive, talented person died at the age of 26. “So


I am very grateful to Mr Cattigan and Mrs Taylor for inviting me into their home and giving me a deeply personal


account of Siobhan’s time in Scottish rugby. “Having heard from the family I want to apologize on behalf of Scottish


Rugby. “As the new president of SRL, I would like to sincerely apologize for the pain we have caused Siobhan by being


with Scottish Rugby and her family and loved ones following her death. “While Scottish Rugby did not intend our actions


to cause distress to the family, we should have handled this tragic situation better. We have listened and accepted the


lessons learned and in Siobhan’s memory we are committed to making changes to ensure a better organization in the


future. . “Her parents Neil and Morven explained to me that joining the Scotland


team in 2018 was an incredibly proud moment for Siobhan and her family. Although she was a Scottish Rugby


international until and after her death, her family and friends strongly believe


that Scottish Rugby should to have done more to support Siobhan and her memory. “Joining the board of Scottish


Rugby Ltd in June this year, I really enjoyed meeting Mr and Mrs Cattigan to understand their perspective and find a


suitable way to honor and celebrate Siobhan’s life as an international rugby player and support the initiatives that


were important to she Advertising “When Siobhan was in the Scotland squad, her parents told me there were


situations where we at Scottish Rugby should have supported her better. They


told me Siobhan specifically mentioned nursing and social care and how selection information was


communicated . “We also accept responsibility for Scottish Rugby dealing with certain factors surrounding


Siobhan’s funeral, including the family’s failure to communicate the wishes of each player, which resulted in some of


Siobhan’s team-mates being unable to attend her funeral. We also let the family down by not contacting the family


directly or paying a condolence visit after Siobhan’s death. “There have been other events since Siobhan left that the


organization should have dealt with differently, it’s also about how we related to Siobhan and we understand that


Siobhan is one of our people and also. “Siobhan’s family and friends appreciated that both Glasgow Warriors


and Edinburgh Rugby honored Siobhan’s life as a Scotland international. “How Scottish rugby should behave; for


example the tribute at Murrayfield before the Six Nations against Ireland in 2023. We acknowledge the family’s


criticism that the tribute should have taken place much earlier than Siobhan’s


top would have been lowered and held while players from both .teams were on the pitch. “As Scottish Rugby we are fully


committed to supporting the family’s work to keep Siobhan’s memory alive.


“During my meetings with Siobhan’s family, we discussed the different things we could do together to keep Siobhan’s


memory alive. This conversation continues.” Scottish Rugby Union chairman Professor Lorne Crerar added:


“Neil and Morven Cattigan’s decision to engage with John McGuigan is significant and we know how difficult it is not to


express concern. We look forward to continued dialogue with Mr and Mrs Cattigan, our an unequivocal statement


that we sincerely regret the events leading to Siobhan’s death and the events that followed, which Scottish Rugby


should have done better and which unfortunately caused his family unnecessary suffering, and

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