I built these death stairs up the cliff from the creek below my house in 2025. 120 continuous stone steps. All calls for a….


Local Builder Completes Remarkable 120-Step Stone Staircase Up a Cliffside, Ignoring Calls for a Railing


October 12, 2024

In what could only be described as an engineering marvel and a triumph of human persistence, a local resident has completed an awe-inspiring project that spans the gap between ambition and sheer willpower. A 120-step stone staircase, built by one individual over the course of 15 months, now climbs the face of a steep cliff from a creek below to the top of the hill. This remarkable staircase, a product of determination, creativity, and hard labor, defies the conventional expectations of what one person can achieve on their own. Even more astonishing is the fact that throughout the process, all calls for adding a railing were ignored, adding a touch of daring to the project’s legacy.



Built between 2019 and 2020, these “death stairs,” as the creator affectionately calls them, now serve as both a functional pathway and a personal testament to resilience and ingenuity. The tale behind the creation of these steps is one of countless falls, endless problem-solving, and a relentless drive to accomplish the seemingly impossible. In the face of physical obstacles, potential danger, and the daunting scale of the project, this local builder refused to give up or compromise on the vision of a continuous, railing-free stone stairway.


The Birth of an Idea: Falling into Inspiration


The journey to build these now-iconic stairs began not with careful planning or a grand design, but with repeated accidents. While clearing trees on the steep hill behind his house, the builder found himself tumbling down the slope again and again. These falls, painful as they were, sparked the idea to create a permanent solution—a staircase that would allow safe passage up and down the hill.


“At first, I thought the idea was impossible,” he recalled. “The slope was so steep, and the task of moving stone up and down the cliff seemed overwhelming. But after the umpteenth time I fell, I reconsidered. It wasn’t impossible. It was just improbable.”



From that moment, the improbable became the challenge that he embraced. What followed was an ambitious project that would consume his free time for the next 15 months, transforming the once treacherous hillside into a usable stone staircase. The process required more than just physical effort—it demanded creativity, problem-solving, and the development of new techniques to manage the logistics of moving heavy stone up and down a steep incline.


The Building Process: One Step at a Time


The project began from the bottom up, with the first 60 steps constructed by carrying stone from the creek below, up the existing stairway, and placing each piece carefully into position. This was no small task. Each stone had to be selected for its size, shape, and stability, then maneuvered into place using manual labor. With every step added, the staircase grew, and so did the complexity of the project.


As the builder continued upward, it became clear that carrying stones by hand was not sustainable for the entire project. To solve this problem, he devised an ingenious system: a rail and sled mechanism that would allow him to lower stones down the slope instead of carrying them up. Using a harness, rope, and a gri gri (a belaying device commonly used in rock climbing), he was able to safely and efficiently transport the stones to the appropriate locations on the stairs.


“The sled system was a game-changer,” he explained. “It allowed me to move much larger stones without risking another fall or injury. I’d lower the stones down, get them into place, and then keep moving up the hill.”


As progress continued, the builder faced yet another challenge: the rail he had built for the sled was now in the way of the upper steps. The solution? He simply cut away the rail as he moved further up the cliff, continuing to adjust and adapt his methods as the project evolved.


“Every step came with its own set of problems,” he said. “But once you solve one problem, the next one doesn’t seem as daunting. You just have to keep moving forward.”


Defying Convention: Ignoring the Railing


Throughout the construction process, friends, family, and neighbors frequently suggested that the staircase would benefit from a railing, given the steep incline and the potential for slips and falls. However, the builder was adamant from the beginning: there would be no railing.



“I wanted the staircase to feel natural, like it was a part of the landscape,” he explained. “Adding a railing would have taken away from that. Plus, I didn’t want to compromise the challenge of it. Running up and down those stairs without a railing—it’s exhilarating.”


For many, the lack of a railing adds an element of danger, and indeed, the staircase has earned the nickname “death stairs” among those who have seen it. But for the builder, the absence of a railing is a statement of confidence and independence. The stairs were not built to be easy—they were built to be functional, while preserving the thrill of the climb.


Over time, he has become so accustomed to the stairs that he now runs up and down them regularly. The staircase, which once seemed like an impossible dream, has become an integral part of his daily routine.


The Challenges of Building Alone


One of the most remarkable aspects of this project is that it was completed entirely by one person, with no professional help or machinery. The builder’s resourcefulness and determination played a key role in overcoming the numerous challenges posed by the terrain and the physical demands of the work.


The cliffside itself posed a significant challenge. Its steep angle made footing difficult and dangerous, particularly when transporting heavy stones. Many times, the builder would find himself slipping or losing balance, only to catch himself and continue onward. Each slip and fall reinforced his resolve to finish the project.


“The hardest part was staying motivated,” he admitted. “There were times when I thought, ‘Why am I doing this? Is it even worth it?’ But once you’ve put in so much work, you can’t stop. You just have to keep going.”


Another challenge was the sheer physicality of the work. Moving heavy stones, cutting and clearing trees, and working on a steep incline took a toll on his body. There were days when exhaustion set in, and progress was slow. But each completed step brought him closer to the goal, and the sense of accomplishment fueled his drive to keep going.


A Labor of Love: The Finished Staircase


After 15 months of work, the staircase was finally complete. Stretching 120 steps up the cliffside, the stone staircase is a testament to the builder’s vision and perseverance. The staircase, with its continuous steps and lack of a railing, blends seamlessly into the natural landscape, as if it has always been a part of the hill.


For the builder, the staircase represents more than just a functional way to traverse the hill. It is a personal achievement, a physical representation of his ability to take on a seemingly impossible task and succeed. The staircase stands as a reminder that with enough creativity, persistence, and hard work, even the most improbable goals can be accomplished.


“When I look at it now, it’s hard to believe I actually built it,” he said. “There were so many times I could have given up, but I’m glad I didn’t. Every step represents hours of work, but it was all worth it in the end.”


Community Reactions: Awe and Caution


Since its completion, the staircase has drawn the attention of neighbors, visitors, and even passersby who catch glimpses of it from below. Most are impressed by the scale of the project and the determination it took to complete it. However, reactions are mixed when it comes to the lack of a railing.


“I’m amazed he built it all on his own,” said one neighbor. “But I wouldn’t dare go up or down without something to hold onto. It looks beautiful, but it’s dangerous.”


Others see the absence of a railing as part of the staircase’s unique charm.


“I think it’s great that he didn’t add a railing,” said another local. “It’s part of the adventure. If you’re going to climb something like that, you should embrace the challenge.”


Despite the mixed reactions, there is no denying the awe-inspiring nature of the project. Many have come to see the staircase for themselves, and some have even been inspired to take on their own ambitious projects after hearing the builder’s story.



Looking Back: Reflections on the Journey


Now, years after the completion of the staircase, the builder reflects on the experience with a sense of pride and accomplishment. While the project was often grueling and occasionally dangerous, it was also a deeply rewarding experience. It pushed him to his physical and mental limits and forced him to think creatively to solve problems along the way.


“I learned a lot about myself during this process,” he said. “It taught me that I’m capable of more than I ever thought. If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, you can achieve things that seem impossible.”


Looking forward, the builder has no plans to add a railing to the stairs. For him, the staircase is perfect as it is—an enduring symbol of perseverance, hard work, and the power of tackling the improbable.


In the end, the “death stairs” stand as a tribute to one man’s determination to turn a dangerous slope into a work of art. With every step, they tell the story of creativity, persistence, and the joy of overcoming obstacles—one stone at a time.



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